Hi 👋 I'm Yasar Arafat

I apply best practices to software development, design, and delivery. I'm a polyglot programmer who is able to work with diverse technologies. I am deeply passionate about the intersection of technology and humanity; and, more specifically, how technology can be used to empower people and communities. My world revolves around coding and open-source. I love to learn and share my knowledge with the community, and to create and collaborate on amazing projects. I am a bookworm, a lover of words and languages. At the moment, my thoughts are all over the place and my words are scattered with no cohesion whatsoever, but maybe one day they will find their destination. You can always reach out to me to have a coffee together and discuss Code, Community or Collaboration. Book a Calendly session, or reach out to me at [email protected] See more about my working experiences at my resume page.

Yasar Arafat Portfolio

Software Engineer
📍 Tokyo, Japan
📧 [email protected]